Anyone can learn to Think Like an Analyst
Learn to think like an analyst… even if you've never had any analytical training!
Next Course Begins: May 2023
Registration is currently closed. Join the wait list.
Why does analyst thinking matter?
We all know problems can be hard to properly identify and solve
Most businesses are built to solve a customer problem.
Problems can be hard to properly identify and handle. They can be complex and morph with time, context, and culture. There has been - and will continue to be - a persistent demand for problem solvers in the business world. LinkedIn has named analytical reasoning one of the top in demand skills again this year (source).
It doesn't sound so difficult to solve problems - you just need the right formula. The challenge is there isn't a one-size-fits-all formula that will solve every problem.
When solving problems or addressing business challenges, there are many factors at work. You have to assess whether you’re solving the right problem. You have to consistently write effective problem statements. You need to conduct research and gather data methodically. Sometimes you need to act on instinct and be creative.
There are many fantastic training options available to learn the mechanics of data and business analysis. You can become an expert programmer or a statistics specialist. None of this is helpful if you don't know how to problem solve though.
It's everyone’s job to effectively solve problems in the workplace.
Creative analytical thinking and problem solving are essential thinking skills that help us break down issues and challenges into their basic parts.
Think Like an Analyst
Learn how to think like an analyst. This online course guides you through the fundamental thinking processes so you can successfully analyze and solve a wide variety of business problems.
Companies are hungry for analytical reasoning skills to help them understand their data. Whether you’re an aspiring analyst, an analyst who wants to be more effective, or just want to incorporate more effective thinking and problem solving into your work, this course will help.
Here’s How You'll Benefit
You'll receive instant access to the online course modules when the course launches. Go through the lessons as they fit your schedule, working through the included exercises to maximize what you learn.
At the end of this course, you'll know how to:
- Implement an analytical thinking process to address problems and questions
- Identify the true problem / question to solve
- Know how to focus on the most critical information
- Create an analysis plan
- Perform analysis from multiple perspectives
- Prevent common analysis mistakes
- Draw accurate conclusions
- Communicate results effectively
- Use the included templates to assist in solving problems
Ready to start thinking like an analyst?
Next Course: May 2023
What's in the Course
There are 8 parts to the "Think Like an Analyst" course. You'll also receive 10 templates to help you in implementing your skills of thinking like an analyst. Working at your own pace, most people complete this course in 8 - 14 hours.
Think Like an Analyst
Incorporate intuitive analytical thinking into your everyday work.
In this lesson, you'll:
- Describe common information challenges in business
- Explore intuitive analytics
- Identify core analytical skills
- Describe the basic steps in the analytical thinking process
- Examine challenges in collecting, evaluating, and communicating information
The Planning Phase
The most critical aspect of thinking like an analyst is asking the right question (aka - writing the correct problem statement).
In this lesson, you'll:
- Identify the purpose of analysis
- Ask the right questions
- Use multiple approaches to problem definition
- Set priorities for taking action
- Decide what - and when - to research
- Determine an approach for the analysis
- Create a data collection plan
The Analysis Phase
Now that you have a plan, it's time to put it in action. We'll focus on the logical side of performing analysis - and avoiding common issues.
In this lesson, you'll:
- Implement the analysis strategy
- Manage intuition in analysis
- Avoid common analysis mistakes
- Minimize bias
- Perform analysis from multiple perspectives
- Recognize patterns and determine what they mean for the business
The Conclusion Phase
Take the analysis you've completed and draw conclusions from it. What are your findings? What should be done as a result?
In this lesson, you'll:
- Develop valid conclusions
- Choose among alternative conclusions
- Check conclusions for accuracy
- Avoid common logical fallacies
The Explaining Phase
Most of the time you'll need to explain the results of your analysis to someone else. Learn how to do it effectively.
In this lesson, you'll:
- Move from conclusions to recommendations
- Understand your audience
- Communicate effectively to different audiences
Everyday Action
Now that you've learned to think like an analyst, it's time to put your new skills to work.
Everyday Action focuses on how to implement what you've learned - applying your analytical skills to everyday problems and challenges.
10+ Problem Solving & Analyst Thinking Templates
This course is useless if you don't put what you learn into practice. Many of the skills focus on how you think which can be easily implemented without additional support. Other skills will be new ways of working that are more difficult to grasp.
To help you implement what you've learned, you'll also get over 10 fill-in-the blank templates to help you through the phases of thinking like an analyst. Each of these come with instructions and examples to make them even easier to understand.
4 LIVE Trainings with Q&A
In addition to the video lessons in the course, you'll also get access to LIVE sessions to learn even more. During these sessions, we'll dive deeper into each topic with additional training. These are also the perfect opportunity to ask questions you have about thinking like an analyst as you work through the course. Sessions will run 30-45 minutes for each topic.
There will be 4 weekly live training sessions with Q&A time included. These live training sessions will cover:
Week 1 - Thinking Like an Analyst
Week 2 - The Planning Phase
Week 3 - The Analysis & Conclusion Phases
Week 4 - The Explanation Phase & Everyday Action
Multiple Session Options
Each week there will be 2 sessions on the same topic held at different times. The additional training will be the same for both sessions. Pick the one that works best for you (or join both if you want to hear the training again!).
Can't make the live session?
Don't worry - you'll have access to a replay so you can watch when it's convenient for you.
About The Course Teacher,
Jen Hood
Jen has over 15 years of experience working at all levels in analytics. From her early career as a data analyst to managing teams of analysts and developing practical business solutions, she knows exactly what's needed to implement practical analytics.
If there's one thing that defines the future of work, it's data and how it's used - from automation and AI to tailoring products and services to each consumer. All businesses are impacted - from local services businesses, national retail organizations, or multinational corporations - and can benefit from analytics.
Jen has practical experience with a vast range of businesses and wants to help you be more effective in using data no matter where you work.
Next course begins May 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
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© The Career Force Co., LLC 2022